About Us
Nigerian Women in Public Relations (NGWomeninPR) is a social impact professional organisation set up to advocate for, and provide growth resources to, Nigerian women working in Public Relations and Communications in-country and in the diaspora.
Through our programs, initiatives and strategic partnerships, we shall: provide a resource hub for learning and professional growth of our members; promote the continuous relevance of members as the Public Relations and Communications profession evolves; platform the results of Nigerian Women practicing in the profession; and promote the understanding and value of the public relations profession.
Our Objectives
- To be a resource hub for learning and professional growth of each Nigerian working in Public Relations & Communications
- To support the continuous relevance of Nigerian women practicing Public Relations & Communications as the profession evolves
- To platform the results of Nigerian women in Public Relations & Communications
- To promote the understanding and value of public relations

Our Objectives
The initiatives and programs of Nigerian Women in Public Relations (WomeninPR) are designed to aid the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 4: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; and 8: to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
We are constantly on the lookout for impact-driven organisations and foundations that work to promote the attainment of these sustainable development goals.
Membership Categories
Membership of Nigerian Women in Public Relations is categorised to provide multi-level benefits to our members based on their years of experience in the profession.
“The energy was upbeat with obvious passion, the depth and deliberateness of wanting women on the forefront is encouraging. I am excited about the beautiful beginning.”
Itiola Omobolaji Ikudinakin
Experiencing Public Relations
A collection of essays by Nigerian Women in Public Relations
From Identifying a Public Relations Professional to becoming a Senior Public Relations Woman, Experiencing Public Relations is your guide into the world of PR.

Check out our latest articles, events and programs.
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