The importance of starting early in one’s career journey and gaining work experience cannot be overstated. Starting your career early allows you to accumulate knowledge, test creative ideas, build credibility, and develop a robust portfolio. In today’s competitive job market, experience is essential for climbing the remuneration ladder.

Recently, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board was directed to admit only candidates who have attained 18 years into the tertiary institution. This makes it even more critical for university undergraduates and institutions to ensure that youths begin their career paths while still in university.
Organisations such as the Nigerian Women in Public Relations (NWIPR) are at the forefront of empowering and mentoring university students to kickstart their careers early. NWIPR supports undergraduates through initiatives like The PR Students’ Summit, which introduces Public Relations as a viable profession to Mass Communication students and the broader student body in Nigerian tertiary institutions. One of its goals is to educate students about potential career paths in Public Relations, inspiring them to shape their professional careers in this field.
Undergraduates have ample time to learn Public Relations, volunteer, prepare for the workforce, and build work experience. It’s well-known that to become a leader, one must first be willing to serve. This early start is an investment in their future, promising great possibilities.

Here are some of the key benefits of starting your career early:
1. Identifying Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is the first step in career development. By knowing where you excel and where you need improvement, you can better align your skills and interests with Public Relations roles.
2. Exploring Different Job Opportunities
Investigating various job opportunities helps you understand the skills and qualifications needed for different roles in Public Relations. This can involve researching job descriptions, talking to industry professionals, volunteering, or participating in internships.
3. Making Informed Career Decisions
It’s crucial to make well-informed decisions about your career path. This involves exploring various job options, understanding the required skills and qualifications, and evaluating the industry’s growth and stability potential.
4. Building a Strong Professional Network
Organisations like NWIPR offer valuable guidance, mentorship, and future employment opportunities through initiatives like job fairs. Building a network early enough can significantly enhance your personal and professional development, boosting your confidence and employability.
5. Boost Your Earning Power
One of the primary motivators for starting early is the potential for increased earnings. Remuneration is often based on years of experience. By participating in programs like the PR Students’ Summit, you can gain significant experience in Public Relations before graduating, which can substantially boost your earning potential.
In conclusion, starting your Public Relations career early as an undergraduate not only enriches your educational experience but also enhances your employability. It helps you develop critical skills valued in the workplace, such as critical thinking, effective communication, multitasking, time management, problem-solving, and teamwork.
There are endless possibilities in the public relations industry, and undergraduates can be empowered for a better tomorrow.
Tertiary Institutions that are interested in having the PR Student Summit can reach out to Nigerian women in PR via email: [email protected]
About Nigerian Women in PR
Nigerian Women in PR, established in 2019, is a social impact professional organisation set up to advocate for and provide growth resources to, Nigerian women working as public relations and communications professionals across the world. Through our programs, initiatives and strategic partnerships, we provide a resource hub for the learning and professional growth of our members; promote the continuous relevance of members as the Public Relations and Communications profession evolves; platform the RESULTS of Nigerian Women practising in the profession; and promote the understanding and value of the public relations profession.