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It is a good thing to hope towards expanding ones career to international frontiers. However, we need to be proactive in order to progress from hoping to realising such hopes.

Here are some tips we picked from Heather Li, our guest speaker at the last PRandMore session.

1. Solid Networking

Search for people that are working or have already worked in these industries.

2. Research

Go on LinkedIn, become a member of communities like NGWiPR that share opportunities with their members, stay updated with trends and internationally recognised bodies in your area of interest.


Taking courses and learning on the job, so that you become a more versatile and valuable professional

4. Develop an area of expertise

You can specialise in an area where you can become a force. This does not imply being ignorant in other areas.

5. Establish a Profile

Have work experience, skills, relevant community membership and other engagements that can speak for you.

Wth these tips, you will be able to identify and access international career opportunities as a Public Relations professional.


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