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For Public Relations practitioners, networking events like professional meetings, seminars, and other business functions are second-nature. Maximising these events involves making the most of contacts and we have brought you just the tips you need.

1. Reach out within 24 hours:

Quick follow-up is important to ensure that the contact remembers you. Within 24 hours of your meeting, send them a letter, email, or message on LinkedIn.

2. Recall a conversation from the event:

Mention a conversation you had or a subject you talked about at the event to help the person remember who you are. A brief mention of your conversation will help them remember it.

3. Offer Assistance:

It is wise to first offer assistance while establishing a networking connection before requesting a favour. Help the contact if you are able to in any way. For instance, perhaps you offered to put them in touch with someone, or perhaps they requested that you forward the item you were talking about.

4. Ask to Meet Up:

If you reside in the same region, suggest a time to get together for snacks. Offer a phone call or video chat if you are not nearby. You may consider it as an opportunity to carry on a specific conversation you started at the event.

5. Connect on LinkedIn:

To advance the development of your professional connection, connect with the contact on LinkedIn. Create a strong relationship that will one day be profitable to both parties.

With these tips, you can be certain that you did not miss a chance at expanding your professional network.

Source: The Balance


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