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Writing PR strategy documents is a multi-faceted process involving in-depth research and setting goals before execution. A well-crafted PR strategy document would gain attention from the media, brand influencers, and the publics, who will become carriers of your announcement to your audience. 

Here are the steps you need to undergo in crafting a detailed PR strategy document:

  • Have a detailed insight into who your audience is:

Brands have different audiences. You need to have deep insights to know the width of your audience, your current relationship with and what will evoke them to respond to you. Segment your audience to get the desirable impacts for your message.

Creating communication lines and requesting feedback may require more research. Understanding your audience will determine the needed actions towards improving your brand’s reputation and image. This will also guide your content generation.

  • Determine the success measurement metrics:

The measurement metrics are influenced by your audience; knowing your audience guides you in determining your success measurement metrics. Monitor your social media posts engagements, analyse your website traffic, record the media coverage and write a detailed report on them. This will guide future PR strategies.

  • Determine the PR scope and goals:

Your PR scope is solely dependent on your audience. The larger your audience size, the more diverse the media types needed for the PR campaign. PR goals include audience expansion, crisis management, among others. 

  • Have a schedule

You need a calendar to plan your activities, as PR is achieved through a planned and maintained set of events. It is essential to set duration, time-based deadlines and get the stakeholders on board. Getting stakeholders on board might involve getting the contact of the media personalities, opinion leaders, among other stakeholders.

  • Create your compelling content

Your content must be succinct, easy-to-grasp, valuable, relatable, and catchy. These qualities will guide all the content created. Understanding your target audience, their likes, dislikes, and the things that spike their attention will guide you into choosing the right topics for your content.

  • Know and understand your competitors

Knowing and understanding your competitors helps you craft, master and improve on your advantage over them. Also, you can gain insights into what works and what to avoid from your competitors’ content types, media coverage, and social media feeds. This will guide you into crafting a proactive PR plan.

  • Coordinate and execute your PR tactics:

Selecting the right tools and tactics forms a huge part of your PR strategy. Know what PR tactic works best for your PR goals. PR tactics are day-to-day activities used in implementing your PR strategy.

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